“Are work related pressures creating disharmony in your whole life?” “Is your career stalled? Stagnant? Off track? Or just plain wrong for you?” “Do you have a burning desire to advance and realize your career potential?” “What’s the next level in your career, and how do you get there?” “Is it additional responsibilities in the position you’re holding?” “A different role within the same organization?” “An entirely new position that leverages your experience and accomplishments?”
Career goals evolve, work situations falter, jobs run their course. If you’re working without a sense of purpose or dedication (or if you’re not working), you may be considering a major change of career path. Consider career counseling for movement and change!
Career related counseling helps addressing and resolving career challenges. Areas of focus include (but are not limited to) career change, job search and career advancement. The counseling process seeks to offer an objective perspective in analyzing the client’s situation, helping clients clarify career goals, deciding on the best course of action, and developing a strategy for navigating it, achieving goals and bringing work and personal life into a sustainable balance.
We have experience helping career-minded individuals redirect, revive, or reinvent their work lives. We offer confidential career counseling for:
• Career change
• Improving performance
• Managing stress and handling performance anxiety
• Navigating change at workplace
• Better decision-making
• Enhanced self-confidence
• Job search
• Career advancement