What If…
– the relationship of your dreams could be the one you’re already in?
– you always knew exactly what you wanted and could get it without even asking?
– every time you saw your partner you felt excited
– the way you handled disagreements with your partner actually strengthened your relationship?
The disagreements that occur in relationships are a natural part of love, and also a great opportunity to deepen your love and make the relationship more satisfying. Within your disagreements with your partner lie important clues about how you can learn to transform your love into something even richer, as long as you can discuss these issues in a way which feels comfortable and positive.
Relationship enrichment coaching involves training couples to use coaching skills to strengthen and heal their relationship. We help a couple talk, listen, and resolve conflict. Relationship/marriage enrichment is a journey, and at the end couples leave with some insights into and tools for creating a deeply satisfying and long-lasting relationship with their partner/spouse. Through exercises that they share with their partner, they explore some of their emotional history, and learn how that influences both the reason they are drawn towards their partner, and as to how it is connected with the reason that they may both be drawn into disagreements with each other.
Couples also learn how to recognize the different ways men and women experience and express love, as well as knowing how to keep these differences from being barriers to true connection. Couples who are interested also have the opportunity to learn about brain science, mind/body practice and advanced psychological theories to understand couplehood; and its potential to bring about healing and self-growth. Relationship enrichment coaching is an experience of growth, discovery and fun for couples!
As a husband-wife facilitator team who have been married for more than 20 years, we place a special emphasis on speaking the language of both men and women. We both have personally benefited tremendously as a result of participating in relationship workshops of this kind and have experienced a transformation in our marriage! This is what led us to seek specialized Relationship training to help other couples in their relationship journey. We both are passionate about helping couples discover a new realm of possibilities in their relationship with each other and to live a joyful life full of passion and purpose!
To learn more about Imago Relationship International and receive free relationship resources, please visit www.gettingtheloveyouwant.com
We wish you well on your journey to discover the sense of love!